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The GREEN YOGA Approach

Research and studies looking at Kundalini Yoga and PTSD found it to be effective in minimising the symptoms of PTSD and C-PTSD, in particular, perceived stress and anxiety, resilience, and sleep. Afterwards, the participants also saw improvements in their mental clarity, higher self-esteem and a greater ability to self-reflect.


The Green Yoga is an Organisation that specialises in Kundalini Yoga, Wellbeing therapies, including Wellness Education, tailored Holistic Organisational solutions and bespoke Cultural therapeutic Retreats.


Kundalini Yoga is a highly effective type of yoga practice that uses powerful breathing techniques, especially when combined with other complimentary yoga styles, well-being therapies including outdoor green practices. This therapeutic combination is very effective even with minimal time investment which is perfect for the times we’re living in. Our highly trained practitioners are a fusion of highly skilled yoga, medical, wellbeing and teaching professionals who combine knowledge, experience and skill to deliver and support individual and organisational health needs via a number of convenient platforms, such as through a virtual online studio, in person group sessions, green outdoor Yoga, Breathwork walking, a therapy clinic, one-to-one support, Workshops, bespoke courses, programs and training. 


Our mind-body therapy approach is evidence based and a valuable adjunct to treating a variety of disorders such as: depression, anxiety, obesity, diabetes and insomnia etc. The Green Yoga team care about the environment and believe, which is supported by research, that nature should form part of any wellness strategy for long term health. We incorporate these approaches when working with a number of health conditions, target groups and providers such as Statutory, Voluntary and Private sector Organisations.

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Access to green spaces improves our mental wellbeing, reducing the need to treat for anxiety and mental health conditions. Depressive disorders are now the foremost cause of disability in middle- and high-income countries and can be precursors for chronic physical health problems. Spending time in green spaces has been shown to produce levels and patterns of chemicals in the brain associated with low stress and positive impacts on blood pressure and reduces socioeconomic health inequalities.


Urban green spaces provide pleasant areas to relax and socialise, promoting greater levels of social activity and stronger neighbourhood relationships. This can maintain a high quality of life for people, especially the elderly. One of Our main objectives is to serve local marginalised groups by offering a more networked, person centred adjunct to main stream approaches.  

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The inspiration for our community work evolved from our Community interest company working with people from low socio-economic communities who presented with a plethora of health conditions, mainly mental and physical. This lead to us working with Cancer, HIV and Mental health, and more recently successfully carrying out a number of community projects mainly focusing on Covid/Long Covid, a wellbeing service for global minorities, older people, children and families. This was especially beneficial for people with long term health conditions and those who experience isolation and loneliness. Whilst we can work with all groups, we have vast experience and a track record working with African, Caribbean, global minorities, SEN children/teens, and LGBTQ+ communities.


A major advantage to our service’s expertise is our Intersectional health approach. Whereby we provide social, therapeutic and culturally appropriate classes and services that support individuals from various communities. This includes supporting By and For global minority Organisations and Violence against women and girls (VAWG), in addition to promoting the voice and stories presented by the people we support.



Research is important and since the health sector is grounded in evidence-based practice, its essential for us to demonstrate how Yoga therapy, wellbeing services and what we do contributes to preventing ill health and improving health and wellbeing for better program implementation and credibility. Therefore, our team and advisory group will document evidence based findings for the furtherance of our work, service expansion and future sustainability.


Our commitment to ongoing training and development for our staff, particularly in the areas of mental health, Yoga therapy, Health Coaching and Women/family health is essential for our results driven approach.


This section in conjunction with our social media and podcasts will highlight and document research papers, results, interviews and information, generally and from both our past and future work.


Please become a member on this site and join our Social Media for more from us!

Fitness Staff

Social Prescribing

Our health and wellbeing are more than just a medical issue. Social, environmental, and economic factors all play a part and importantly, contribute to health inequalities - the “avoidable and unfair differences between groups of people or communities.” Social prescribing can’t resolve underlying inequalities, but it’s a holistic and personalized way to address symptoms through non-medical support that complements conventional health treatments like medication. Also, it has a role in reducing pressures on the NHS: around 20% of GP visits are for non-medical reasons.


The service we aim to further support local people and GPs is a unique carefully selected Yoga and Wellbeing Social prescribing service with activities for people over the age of 16 in Manchester. This service will be based on the needs of local marginalized people who have requested it, and our many years of experience working with and contributing positively to the quality of life, mental wellbeing and improved health of people and communities.  Individuals will have the option to self-refer or allow their GP to do it.


Organizations will be able to refer their service users or consult us for bespoke work or tailored Programs that fit their particular needs.



A Yoga Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress:

A Preliminary Randomized Control Trial


Yoga may be effective in the reduction of PTSD symptomology. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of a Kundalini Yoga (KY) treatment on PTSD symptoms and overall wellbeing. To supplement the current field of inquiry, a pilot randomized control trial (RCT) was conducted comparing an 8-session KY intervention with a waitlist control group. 80 individuals with current PTSD symptoms participated.


Both groups demonstrated changes in PTSD symptomology but yoga participants showed greater changes in measures of sleep, positive affect, perceived stress, anxiety, stress, and resilience. Between-groups effect sizes were small to moderate (0.09–0.25). KY may be an adjunctive or alternative intervention for PTSD. Findings indicate the need for further yoga research to better understand the mechanism of yoga in relation to mental and physical health, gender and ethnic comparisons, and short- and long-term yoga practice for psychiatric conditions.

Read the full research:

Yoga Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress

Read related researchs:

Yoga and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Not Making The Grade

GM Integrated Care Partnership Strategy

Worth reading article:

Long-term sick: How record number is changing UK economy. Please click Here to read the article.


Related Research

Meet the Team

Forms & Questionnaires

If you are attending a class for the first time, would you please either print or download the relevant Health Questionnaires from the list below, fill in and upload it or simply bring this with you to the lesson, many thanks.

Health Questionnaire for Yoga Class

Yoga Health Questionnaire

Forest Bathing Download

Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI)

Percieved Stress Scale



State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)

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