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Wellbeing days

Employees need time off to recharge and return to work with a clear mindset. Therefore, Wellbeing or Wellness days are an opportunity for organisations to provide valuable information and skills to a group of employees with the ultimate aim to support Mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health both in and out of work. 


In the main, Workplace wellness days often include exercises that focus on both physical and psychological activities such as Yoga, Mindfulness and Nutritional guidance. The advantage of these practices is that The Green Yoga specialise in these areas and can offer a wide range of benefits that simultaneously and quickly alleviate physical and psychological work and general health issues rapidly. These activities serve to reinforce the importance of self-care, Stress management, and striking the right balance between work and life.


Benefits of employee wellbeing days at work


Provides Solutions for Self health Management

Employees in addition to managing their own mental health through learning new skills,  will have access to expert advice from TGY who are experts in their field. Therefore,  employees can get real-time feedback and answers to questions and personalised advice.


Boosts Morale and Motivation

Wellbeing initiatives can be a huge motivator and morale booster for employees who feel dissatisfied with the status quo. The Green Yoga work with organisations to foster wellness incentives  that coincide with real cultural change.


Rejuvenates and Recharges Employees

Correctly implemented Wellbeing days are about setting a powerful precedent for creating a healthy working environment, and are a quick and easy way to get everyone in the organisation recharged and focused on themselves, especially when reinforced by supportive leadership. 


The Green Yoga also can provide your business with staff incentives and  gift opportunities  such as Time-out/wellness boxes with essential oils, eye bags, tea and chocolates. Other options for individual staff members are our gift vouchers for staff to spend on wellbeing choices or a day of therapies. In addition, popular areas of wellness could be our wellbeing packages or days that provided relaxation opportunities such as a Spa day, Therapeutic massage, or Yoga and Mindfulness sessions which could be easily implemented.


In sum, TGY can provide Organisations with solutions that can cater for all of the needs of your workforce, both in and out of the workplace for physical, spiritual and psychological health with a main focus on Mental wellbeing. Our comprehensive choice of wellbeing packages can seamlessly provide employees with enough choices to support their needs as the aforementioned research has stated. 


Please get in touch with us to discuss your needs.

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Workshops and Webinars

The Green Yoga provides bespoke and a selection of Workshops and Webinars both online and in person, which can also include holistic health coaching in small groups or one-to-one. Our highly skilled professional team consists of trained Teachers, Psychologists, Researchers, Medically trained professionals and Wellness coaches. Collectively, we have the skill and experience to provide quality highly impactful interactive in person and online wellbeing education that will inspire, support and provide all the necessary tools for individuals, employees, health professionals, and senior management to make those lifestyle changes you have always wanted.


Our specialist health areas are available as Workshops and Webinar formats but we will also offer additional supporting areas of health and personal development for the modern  diverse workforce. The Green Yoga have a comprehensive catalogue of combined informative health knowledge and can cover a wide range of health and wellbeing topics. This can be delivered in short flexible half hour bursts, one or two hour sessions to full or half days. We also offer Webinars to support companies with staff across multiple sites or who work remotely.


The Green Yoga Workshops and Webinars include:

  • A selection of popular formats.

  • Webinars to support remote workers.

  • Flexible formats can be personalised to your organisation or business.

  • Interactive group coaching sessions.

  • One-to-one coaching, drop-in clinics and consultations are available in most formats.


A sample of topics we offer include:


Nutrition and health

Sleep and Breathwork

Yoga and mental health

Stress management


Productivity and burnout


Spiritual health

Menopause and health

Stress management


Sports performance and yoga

Mental health first-aid

Work life balance

Breathwalk and forest bathing

 Yoga and preventative health

Benefits of outdoor practices

Benefits of massage therapy for pain

Please get in touch today to discuss your needs.



The increase of workplace stress is a growing concern and costs are incurred by both  employees and organisations. Corporate health and wellness retreats, Away days and Spa days are a way to reduce workplace stress and an opportunity to create stronger bonds in a collaborative space for employees, which will also improve the resiliency of your organisation.


A Green Yoga wellness retreat is a way of disconnecting from the regular hustle of a stressful life and a quick getaway can help your employees unwind from their hectic work life, providing them with a Zen respite of peace and harmony. Especially if integrated with our therapeutic sessions/packages and the promotion of added holistic wellness through physical, spiritual, or psychological modalities. The Corporate wellness retreat offers more than merely a peaceful weekend getaway with your employees. It's a process of excellent communication, networking, teamwork, and elevated employee health and wellness.


Benefits of offering a Wellness Retreat

A retreat delivers long-lasting results that help your employees live by the teachings and apply them in their own lives. It also helps build a reliable and robust team by engaging in various group retreats and sessions, ultimately enhancing employee engagement.  Other benefits include:


  • Better performance, work life balance, and increased productivity.

  • Increased creativity, quality of work and brainstorming of new ideas.

  • Creation of strong resilient teams and enhanced loyalty for the organisation.

  • Taking a wellness retreat will not only boost camaraderie but also inspire leading a healthy life.

  • After the resort, employees will eat with caution and get more involved in daily physical activities such as Yoga and outdoor connection with nature.


The Green Yoga can provide a number of focused retreats that can support employee health. There are various themes and areas of health that can benefit your organisation from our comprehensive selection of therapies, yoga and education.


Types of retreats the Green Yoga can offer include:

  • Away days with a focus on wellbeing

  • Yoga retreats

  • Nutrition and food as a focus

  • Spa and wellness therapies

  • Mindfulness, Breathwork and Meditation

  • Outdoor breathwalk and forest bathing


Corporate retreats are designed to ensure that all employees feel motivated, supported and cared for which reflects back on the organisation. They boost company culture to improve employee health and satisfaction which is a critical investment now more than ever before.


Get in touch to discuss your requirements


Corporate Yoga

Corporate Yoga is a cost effective convenient practice that produces benefits both to employees and to the company that employs them. The improvement in efficiency and lower rates of absenteeism, leading to greater productivity and profits for the company, greatly outweighs the cost of running these sessions. Companies that offer corporate yoga  enjoy the financial benefits, and a healthy workforce directly translates to increased productivity and decreased employee absenteeism.


According to research carried out by Harvard university using MRI scans, your brain cells develop new connections when you do yoga regularly, and changes occur in brain struc­ture as well as function, resulting in improved cog­nitive skills, such as learning and memory. Yoga also strengthens parts of the brain that play a key role in memory, attention, awareness, thought, and language which results in a thicker cerebral cortex. The comparison suggested is think of it as weightlifting for the brain.


The health benefits of yoga have not only been proven throughout history, yoga has also been gaining prominence in workplaces worldwide. This is in part due to over 400 yoga therapy research publications in peer-reviewed journals which has lead to randomised trials being published in leading journals. The Green Yoga specialise in Yoga, particularly Kundalini Yoga and can provide evidenced based Corporate yoga via a number of convenient platforms for all levels of employees, for example, through our online studio, live streaming and in person including one-to one sessions, particularly outdoors.


The Green Yoga understand how impactful nature and outdoor practices can be beneficial for health. Therefore taking 30-minutes, especially at lunchtime, to go out somewhere and inhale some fresh air can be a part of an employee wellbeing strategy. If the place is nearby a park, one can practice breathing exercises and our Breathwalk practice, including some of our lunchtime classes there.


There are many benefits of incorporating Yoga in your workplace from increased energy levels to increased productivity, Most people in the corporate and the academic world are affected by the stress and tension that their workload places on them. The benefits of in-house yoga, over gym memberships is twofold; firstly employees save time, in not having to leave the office, secondly the benefits of yoga are of body, mind, and spirit, creating deep rejuvenation and relaxation. We offer the choice between regular corporate lunchtime yoga and meditation sessions, workshops and courses on a myriad of relevant health issues such as Stress management or burnout. The duration of sessions can be chosen to match the needs of your company including a number of different Yoga styles to enhance and further target specific issues. Yoga in general and Kundalini Yoga in particular is an excellent tool to:


  • Lowers blood pressure (caused by stress and deadlines).

  • Increase employees’ vitality and mood.

  • Improves focus, concentration and brain efficiency.

  • Improves the ability to stay calm under stressful situations.

  • Improves self-confidence and success rates of employees.

  • Supports the general well-being and workplace atmosphere.

  • Helps to build better workplace relationships, leadership and communication.

  • Improves the sense of community and team-building spirit in a company, resulting in a reduction in staff turnover.

  • Makes the workplace more attractive to current and prospective employees.

  • Reduces mental, emotional as well as physical stress and tension.

  • Strengthens the immune system and reduces absences through illness.

  • Reduces physical, mental and emotional fatigue.

  • Reduces the risk of burnout and depression.

  • Improves posture, pain and associated conditions such as back pain, neck problems, headaches, and eye problems.

  • Reduces aches and ailments related to sitting behind a desk or in a car for long hours every day.


Incorporating yoga into your employees’ lives can improve their mental and physical health. The poses of yoga can help reduce physical pain, workplace stress and also decrease absenteeism. Moreover, if energy levels increase, your employees will be more productive and motivated to work. In sum, a Yoga program is a cost-effective one that will require only 10-20 minutes of your employees’ time daily to reap its full benefits.


A sample of Yoga classes we offer include:

Kundalini Yoga morning energy boost

Sleep and Breathwork sequence


Yoga and mental health series


Disease Prevention Yoga


Self-regulation Yoga set


Sleep and relaxation Meditation and Restorative yoga

Resilience and Health Yoga


Productivity elevation lunchtime power up

Menopause and hormone health Yoga series

Stress management and Adrenal health Yoga

Memory and focus enhancing Meditation

Sports performance and yoga


Burnout remedy Yoga & breathwork restore

​Breathwork & Meditation creative surge

Breathwalk and forest bathing


Candle light relaxing Yin Yoga


TGY outdoor Oxygen enhancing Breathwalk

Functional posture/alignment yoga


Please get in touch today to discuss your needs.

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The Green Yoga (TGY) Yoga courses can provide employees and staff with an opportunity to invest in training and development with a focus on personal development and wellbeing. Our courses take place over a specific length of time with the added benefits of more personalised monitoring and measuring progress through meaningful feedback. The courses involve learning new skills that can be implemented in daily life to combat the many upheavals that compromise our work life balance.


Generally, many courses often require students to focus on listening, holding discussion to minimum. However, our workshops and courses encourage workplace employees to openly discuss the health topics and explore ways to improve their practice if its a Yoga course or if its a health topic to explore how they can integrate the techniques for the betterment of their health, both psychologically and physically. Furthermore, our specialty courses provide a more relaxed learning atmosphere where employees can grow together rather than individually.


A wellbeing or yoga course can actually help to build a safe foundation, and if you want to develop a regular practice, this is another way to do. Employees will understand the fundamentals via a course and it’s a perfect way to either start your personal health journey, or deepen your understanding from a beginners to a more specific subject area. An added bonus is you will learn how to manage and alleviate long standing issues such as stress or other health conditions. This level of interaction and development is a perfect basis for a more enhanced Program where you will gain integration and elevated personal health.


Our team is able to answer questions and support participants throughout the journey. The courses we offer are buildable and adaptable and cover a variety of health subjects and Yoga courses, and this will provide practical skills that can be applied immediately.



A sample of Courses we offer include:


Nutrition and health

Sleep and Breathwork

Yoga and mental health

Stress management Yoga course

Self-regulation and Yoga

Sleep and health

Resilience and health

Spiritual health

Menopause and health

Stress management


Sports performance and yoga

Mental health first-aid

Work life balance

Breathwalk and forest bathing

 Yoga and preventative health

Benefits of outdoor practices

Productivity and Burnout Course

Please get in touch today to discuss your needs.



In any business success is always directly linked to the wellbeing and happiness of employees and businesses are only ever as good as the people that work for them. When corporate wellness, or employee wellbeing becomes a top priority for companies then success soon follows. Its no coincidence that big companies like Google, Nike, Adidas, and LinkedIn are often among the top places to work. This is arguably due to the fact that they provide exemplary wellness programs.


The Green yoga specialises in outdoor healing practices, retreats and Kundalini Yoga  which are renown for increasing immunity, creativity, alleviating PTSD and increasing health exponentially. Therefore, good reasons to implement in a wellbeing program, especially for managers and staff generally. The merge of ancient and mainstream modern therapies can bring about fast lasting results for any organisation. We believe that Workplace wellness is all about making employees want to go to work instead of having to. For that to happen, we ensure that our the programs should be formulated and focused on the actual needs of the employees.


Therefore, assessing the current workplace using constant surveys is essential. A well-designed Employee wellbeing program can save more money than they cost and increase productivity because employees feel cared for and happy. Irrespective of the type of business you own or company you manage,  there is no doubt that the social benefits from a Green Yoga designed Wellness program will show a decrease in conflicts in the work environment as well as lower rates of domestic violence, mental distress and absenteeism. Our organisation particularly understand the cultural and social needs of organisations.


Our evidenced based Programs are developed and initiated in close collaboration with organisations and our team of multi-disciplined Yoga Therapists, Psychologists, Medical and Wellness Consultants. Our unique combination is merging ancient wisdom with modern technology, and integrating physical therapies, green outdoor practices, spiritual techniques, nutritional recommendations, and adaptable lifestyle, mental health and hormone therapies. Some of the benefits and outcomes of our Health Programs include:


  • Stress, trauma and Mental health relief and nurturing therapies.

  • Increases in productivity, Peak Performance and a reduction in health costs.

  • Disease and Illness Prevention and recovery utilising nature infused therapies.

  • Positive and lasting results with increased resilience and self regulation.

  • Increases in Spiritual, Psychological and Physical health and happiness.



A sample of Programs we offer includes:

Nutrition and health

Sleep and Breathwork

Yoga and mental health series

Stress management, Productivity and Burnout

Conflict resolution Program

Disease Prevention/Immune health

Resilience and Self Regulation

Therapy, Spa and Wellbeing Program

Menopause and health

Breathwalk and forest bathing

Mindfulness Program

Sports performance and yoga

Please get in touch today to discuss your needs.



Customisation Matters!

No two customers are identical. And not all customers want the same thing from our services. That’s why we are letting our customers customize the service based on their needs. It’s easy and simple way to help our customers get what they want from our services!

Customise Your Service here!

To help us offering a tailored service to your business, please tell us about your needs.

Please indicate the area(s) of wellbeing your organisation is interested in?
Please indicate the delivery format
Please tick who you are targeting?
Please indicate which Health area(s) you want to address or include?

Thank you! We will be in touch.

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